Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Break through for me

On December the 20th 2006 Ken and I buried our Angel baby Naomi. It was the second hardest day of my life, the day she died being the first hardest day. At the Funeral we had mine and Ken's family sing Away in a Manager. This is one of my most favorite Christmas songs.The reason I chose this song goes back to the day Naomi died. She died on the day of our ward Christmas party. The ward members that evening showed up at our house and sang Away in a Manager. I will never forget as long as I live seeing them sing crowded in our front yard. The part that brought me to tears is when they say the line Bless all the dear children in thy tender care. I thought of Naomi. I cried thinking of how she is now in his tender care. It touched me so much I wanted it sung at her funeral four days later.

Since Naomi died, every Christmas Away in a Manager has brought me to tears. Every Christmas until now. I heard the song play on radio this afternoon and for the first time in 5 years I didn't cry. Not that it is bad if I did. It was mostly like a after thought really. The song played and when it was over I thought,"Wait I didn't cry this time." Time really does heal all wounds. I did think of Naomi as I do every year when I hear Away in a Manager but this year, I didn't feel the sting of pain that I have in the past. She will always be a part of my thoughts and I will always think of her. It is just refreshing to learn that it doesn't hurt anymore. And I am sure she is smiling up in Heaven to know I have learned this too. Love you Naomi my little Angel Baby.

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