Monday, September 17, 2012

Naomi's Sheep

Today I had one of those unexpected moments. Moments when I suddenly missed my baby Naomi and the pain of it hits me from out of no where. Angela Lackey gave me this Sheep right after Naomi was born. It plays, the heart beat, seaside sounds, whale songs, and the rain. Naomi's favorite was the seaside sounds. More often then not it was the only thing that would get Naomi to sleep at night or any time for that matter. After she died, it was simply called Naomi's sheep. Ken the kids or I would hold it following her death for days weeks and months. It was the way we coped with the grief we all felt at losing her. In the years since her passing this sheep came to mean more and more to us. When I had Kirsten to be honest I didn't use it much to comfort her or to get her to sleep. In many ways it still remind me of Naomi. It was still my comfort object of sorts. However After Elizabeth was born, I started to use it in the same way I used it for Naomi. It again turned into a way to get my baby to sleep. We then went from calling it Naomi's sheep to just the sheep. Now that Elizabeth is close to turning 1 it is more her sheep now. Well I brought the sheep in from the kitchen and the history of it hit me all over again. The history of what this sheep has meant to me. I guess you could say this sheep has been a big part of my own healing process. I am grateful for it. And to a kind Heaven Father for his tender mercies in allowing me to heal.

 Life truly does move on and happiness does come in time. I realize now the similarities between this sheep and the Savoir. Just like this sheep, I could not have gotten through my time of grief with out my Savior.